As usual there are some winners and some losers in the garden during 2021
The tomatoes were very late to start producing but caught up eventually. Whereas the parsnips were the best in years and aubergines incredible with 91 fruits picked.
The details are below of our 2021 harvest. We ate a lot of it ourselves, plenty of 5++ a day but also gave some away to friends and relatives.
Any excess we sell from a trolley at the bottom of our drive, raising £500 this year.
We give the money to various charities, local and national. This year we gave to the National Garden Scheme (NGS yellow book) all the money raised from our plants, fruit and vegetables sold over the open days. The rest of the money raised was shared this year between, Survival international, Tysoe Children’s Group, Katharine House Hospice, and Carers4 carers.
Here’s hoping for a good harvest in 2022 so we and others can benefit from the great organically grown fruit and vegetables and that we raise lots of money for the charities.